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Operating System > Other OS |
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6 projects in result set.
0. BayesSurv - This package estimates mortality with covariates from capture-recapture/recovery data in a Bayesian framework when many individuals are of unknown age. It includes tools for data checking, model diagnostics and outputs such as life-tables and plots. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2011-06-08 10:38 |
1. Low Flow Analysis - The project offers tools for analysing daily stream flow data focusing on low-flows as descriped in the "Manual on Low-flow Estimation and Prediction", Operational
Hydrology Report No. 50, Koblenz 2009 | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2012-11-26 14:23 |
2. Protocol for Adjust & Select Models - This project is about modeling species abundances in communities. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2011-01-18 16:54 |
3. arm - R functions for processing lm, glm, mer and polr outputs. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2008-04-09 23:40 |
4. CNVScope - CNVScope: Visually exploring copy number aberrations in
cancer genomes | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2019-07-16 15:34 |
5. Home Range Tools - A series of function to automate batch home range processing using adehabitatHR package. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2012-11-19 12:16 |