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Surveillance package is part of the Covid-19 outbreak response
The nowcast function of the surveillance package is used to provide situational awareness during the Covid-19 outbreak. This is a collaboration between Stockholm University, the LMU Munich and the LGL Bavaria.
Version 1.8-1 now on CRAN & New technical report
This is to announce that Version 1.8-1 of the surveillance package is now on CRAN. The update was made to make the newest functionality for the spatio-temporal modelling of count data time series and point processes available. A comprehensive document describing what spatio-temporal modelling is possible with the package can be found in the Arxiv report:
Version 1.5-0 of surveillance now on CRAN
A new version of the package is now available from CRAN. It mainly consists of a different way to include the package 'gpclib', which has license restrictions.
Version 1.4-1 of surveillance now on CRAN
After a long time since the last release we finally managed to get the most recent version of the surveillance package (v. 1.4-1) on CRAN.
Surveillance version 1.0-2 released on CRAN
This is just to inform that version 1.0-2 of the R package surveillance has been released on CRAN.
surveillance now on R-Forge
Package svn has been moved to R-Forge. Initial development version is 0.9-6 now including algo.rogerson.