Forum: oro.dicom 0.2.4 available on CRAN

Posted by: Brandon Whitcher
Date: 2010-03-02 17:55
Summary: oro.dicom 0.2.4 available on CRAN
Project: Rigorous Analytics


The first release of oro.dicom (v0.2.4) is now available for download from CRAN. This is a major revision and improvement that replaces the previous DICOM package.

New features include:

* Increased speed
* Uploading only header information (for restricted memory situations)
* Reading implicit value representations (VR's)
* Parsing SequenceItem tags (undefined lengths are allowed)
* Integration with oro.nifti (to be released) to convert DICOM to NIfTI or Analyze format

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Brandon Whitcher - 2010-03-05 14:52 -

oro.dicom 0.2.4 available on CRAN

Brandon Whitcher - 2010-03-02 17:55 -


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