R Development Page

Contributed R Packages

Below is a list of all packages provided by project A R/C++ Template Library.

Important note for package binaries: R-Forge provides these binaries only for the most recent version of R, but not for older versions. In order to successfully install the packages provided on R-Forge, you have to switch to the most recent version of R or, alternatively, install from the package sources (.tar.gz).



A C++ template library for R

  It is a R/C++ template library. The goal of this library is to provide a simple interface between R and C++, so C++ developers for R can access R objects in the C++ way without worrying about many R internal structures and underlying details. Currently, the template library supports the four most commonly used object-types in R, namely, vector, matrix, data.frame, and list. Given the template framework, special data types (char*, Date, time) can be accessed similar to other regular data types, such as int, double. For more information, please see the package documentation file doc/rcppbind.pdf.
  Version: 1.0 | Last change: 2008-09-10 19:49:11+02 | Rev.: 15
  Download: linux(.tar.gz) | windows(.zip) | Build status: Current
  R install command: install.packages("rcppbind", repos="")
Package build: Source package (Linux x86_64) Windows binary (x86_64/i386)
Package check: Linux x86_64 (patched) | Linux x86_64 (devel) Windows (patched) | Windows (devel)


Build status codes

0 - Current: the package is available for download. The corresponding package passed checks on the Linux and Windows platform without ERRORs.
1 - Scheduled for build: the package has been recognized by the build system and provided in the staging area.
2 - Building: the package has been sent to the build machines. It will be built and checked using the latest patched version of R. Note that it is included in a batch of several packages. Thus, this process will take some time to finish.
3 - Failed to build: the package failed to build or did not pass the checks on the Linux and/or Windows platform. It is not made available since it does not meet the policies.
4 - Conflicts: two or more packages of the same name exist. None of them will be built. Maintainers are asked to negotiate further actions.
5 - Offline: the package is not available. The build system may be offline or the package maintainer did not trigger a rebuild (done e.g., via committing to the package repository).

If your package is not shown on this page or not building, then check the build system status report.

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