Software Map
Project Tree
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Natural Language :: English [Remove This Filter]
Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop [Remove This Filter]
Programming Language :: R [Remove This Filter]
Operating System :: OS Independent [Remove This Filter]
86 projects in result set. Displaying 20 per page. Projects sorted by activity ranking.
0. Plot manageable subsets of data - Plotting a large data set is difficult if it does not fit into memory as a data frame, so we introduce more efficient data structures and alternative plot functions that work with large data. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : PL/SQL [Filter]
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Database [Filter]
- Topic : Graphics : Plotting [Filter]
- Topic : High Performance Computing : Large Memory [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2009-09-29 11:02 |
1. SPecies' LImits by Threshold Statistics - splits contains tools for delimiting species and automated taxonomy at many levels of biological organization (eg. DNA barcoding, morphometrics), top-down (merging phylogenetic and phylogeographic methods) and bottom-up (single samples into >1 groups). Newer versions of the package via the Project Home Page link below. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Cluster Analysis : Other Cluster Algorithms [Filter]
- Topic : Genetics : Phylogenetics [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2009-01-15 14:06 |
2. RColony - The RColony package provides tools for the implementation of the Colony pedigree analysis software. In addition it provides tools for visualising, and summarising the results of the Colony analyses. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Datasets [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2009-04-15 09:02 |
3. Rshare: the shared environment package - The Rshare package allows for a version of interprocess communication between separate R processes. This is facilitated through a shared environment hosted in one R session to which other R processes may subscribe. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : Tcl [Filter]
- Topic : Connectivity [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2012-07-03 04:36 |
4. SciViews - SciViews: a R GUI API, and a R GUI extension for Komodo Edit. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Environment : Win32 (MS Windows) [Filter]
- Environment : X11 Applications [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Education : GUI [Filter]
- Topic : Graphical User Interface [Filter]
- Topic : Text : Integrated Development Environments \(IDE\) [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2008-05-26 16:41 |
5. vegsoup - classes for phytosociology - S4 classes for vegetation-plot data (relevés) documenting community structure, sites data, taxonomy and spatial representation. Methods are provided for data manipulation, clustering, indicator species analysis and typesetting tables with LaTex. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Multivariate Statistics [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics : Ecological Analysis [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2011-06-07 12:24 |
6. Limit Order Book - Limit Order Book simulator for R that will allow for backtesting trading strategies, as well as random order generation functionality that allows for strategy testing. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Finance : Data and Date Management [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2010-06-02 15:22 |
7. Individual-based metapopulation model - This package provides functions to run an individual-based metapopulation model, which includes genetic dynamics of diploid individuals, and flexibly defined life-histories. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Genetics : Population Genetics [Filter]
- Topic : Other/Nonlisted Topic [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2012-07-18 10:30 |
8. libRa - The libRa package implements robust statistics algorithms
from the research group Robust Statistics at the Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven and the Universiteit van Antwerpen. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Robust Statistics [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2008-02-03 17:52 |
9. Stosim - A system of functions for building stochastic Reliability Availability and Maintainability (RAM) models for repairable systems such as industrial plants for power generation, chemical processing, microelectronics fabrication units, and refining. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ [Filter]
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Other/Nonlisted Topic [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2014-01-15 04:23 |
10. rProcessing - R/Processing Interface - An easy to use interface to run Processing applets ( from R. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : Java [Filter]
- Programming Language : Other [Filter]
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Graphics : Graphics Systems [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2010-03-21 13:58 |
11. RTanalyze - RTanalyze is a package for the storage and analysis of reaction time data. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Design of Experiments & Analysis of Experimental Data [Filter]
- Topic : Other/Nonlisted Topic [Filter]
- Topic : Social Sciences [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2011-08-19 09:34 |
12. BayesR: Bayesian Regression - Developement of R Functions to Estimate Complex Bayesian Regression Models. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ [Filter]
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Bayesian Statistics : General Model Fitting [Filter]
- Topic : Regression Models [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2010-08-20 11:45 |
13. MonetDB.R - MonetDB.R provides a DBI connector to MonetDB (, a column-oriented in-memory database aimed at fast OLAP queries. The MonetDB License applies (, which is very similar to the Mozilla Public License |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : Other/Proprietary License [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Database : R Interfaces [Filter]
Registered: 2012-11-24 14:44 |
14. waveTiling - Perform transcriptome analysis from tiling array data by a wavelet-based functional model. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Bioinformatics : Statistics [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2011-12-05 20:42 |
15. Bias reduction in GLMs - brglm provides which is an alternative method to that works under the usual glm interface.
Estimation is either by correcting the bias of the maximum likelihood estimates or using an adjusted-score approach to improving bias. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Regression Models [Filter]
- Topic : Social Sciences : Analysis of Categorical and Count Data [Filter]
- Topic : Social Sciences : Linear and Generalized Linear Models [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2011-08-20 14:19 |
16. Animal Intake Behaviour Analysis Package - POO R package for chronological Intake Behaviour Data analysis from test animals. Manage data and predict normal and irregular behaviour. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : Spanish [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : POSIX : Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Bioinformatics [Filter]
- Topic : Biostatistics & Medical Statistics [Filter]
- Topic : Time Series [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2010-08-30 08:56 |
17. Quantitative Fitness Analysis - QFA is an experimental and computational methodology for estimation of the fitnesses of arrayed microbial cultures growing on solid agar. Methods for estimating fitnesses, fitness variability and genetic interaction strengths are included. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Bayesian Statistics : General Model Fitting [Filter]
- Topic : Bioinformatics : Mathematics [Filter]
- Topic : Bioinformatics : Statistics [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2010-09-06 17:05 |
18. xkcd - Graphs using the XKCD style ( Original idea was borrowed from |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Education [Filter]
- Topic : Graphics : Applications [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2013-04-28 15:53 |
19. refnet - Bibliometric Tools for R - This package and its tools are currently designed to read, analyze and visualize Thomson-Reuters Web of Knowledge/Science, ISI and SCOPUS format reference data files. Social network analyses, geocoding of addresses and spatial visualization are supported. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Social Sciences [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics [Filter]
- Topic : Text [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2013-06-03 18:44 |
86 projects in result set. Displaying 20 per page. Projects sorted by activity ranking.