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12 projects in result set.
0. aroma.* packages [MOVED TO GITHUB] - This repository and all of its packages have been moved to | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2009-05-19 20:01 |
1. track: store obects on disk - Automatically stores objects in files on disk so that
files are rewritten when objects are changed, and so
that objects are accessible but do not occupy memory until
they are accessed. Also tracks times when objects are created
and modified. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2010-06-22 04:40 |
2. RODBC Extension - Provides functions for packages that require enhanced database connectivity by exploiting RODBC functions combined with basic R functions and (hopefully) other packages as well. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2009-02-23 06:54 |
3. CITAN - CITAN is a library of functions useful in - but not limited to - quantitative research in the field of scientometrics. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2011-04-24 10:39 |
4. RMVL - Mappable vector library provides convenient way to access large datasets on solid state drives. This bypasses limitation of physical memory size as well as limited bandwidth of database interfaces. Memory mapped data can be shared between multiple R processes. Access speed depends on storage medium, so solid state drive is recommended, preferably with PCI Express (or M.2 nvme) interface. The data is memory mapped into R and then accessed using usual R list and array subscription operators. The layout of underlying MVL files is optimized for large datasets. The vectors are stored to guarantee alignment for vector intrinsics after memory map. The package is built on top of libMVL, which can be used as standalone C library. libMVL has simple C API making it easy to interchange of datasets with outside programs. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2021-08-19 02:16 |
5. Genotype Database Framework - GT.DB is a database framework for efficiently managing genome-wide genotype datasets (i.e. 10^6 or more biallelic markers, 1000s of samples), as well as underlying raw data and complex phenotype data, tightly integrated with R libraries for analysis. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2009-09-17 00:13 |
6. Lahman Baseball Database - This database contains pitching, hitting, and fielding statistics for
Major League Baseball from 1871 through 2012. As an R package, it offers a variety of interesting challenges and opportunities for data processing and visualization in R. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2011-09-24 17:08 |
7. CoreArray - The package provides a high-level R interface to CoreArray Genomic Data Structure (GDS) data files, which are portable across platforms and include hierarchical structure to store multiple scalable array-oriented data sets with metadata information. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2014-05-31 04:36 |
8. Plot manageable subsets of data - Plotting a large data set is difficult if it does not fit into memory as a data frame, so we introduce more efficient data structures and alternative plot functions that work with large data. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2009-09-29 11:02 |
9. likelihood-based image id code - Computer-assisted method for assigning animal ids to a database of images using phenotypic measurements extracted from each image. Method is based on likelihood theory, and can handle multiple sources of error inherit in image identification. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2013-03-15 14:51 |
10. dcGOR - dcGOR is a package for analysing domain-centric ontologies and annotations. It includes: enrichment analysis and visualisation; construction of a domain (semantic similarity) network; significance analysis for a contact network. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2014-10-23 15:21 |
11. XGR - eXploring Genomic Relations (XGR) at the gene and SNP level through enrichment analysis, similarity analysis and network analysis | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2016-04-01 13:46 |