Software Map
Project Tree
Now limiting view to projects in the following categories:
Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable [Remove This Filter]
136 projects in result set. Displaying 20 per page. Projects sorted by activity ranking.
0. R/exams: Automatic Generation of Exams - One-for-all exams generator. Exercises: Single-choice, multiple-choice, arithmetic, string, combinations thereof (cloze). Input formats: LaTeX, Markdown. Output formats: PDF, HTML, Docx, Moodle XML, QTI 1.2, QTI 2.1, Blackboard, OLAT, Ilias, ARSnova, ... |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Connectivity [Filter]
- Topic : Education [Filter]
- Topic : Text [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 100.00
Registered: 2012-02-12 00:43 |
1. surveillance - The R package 'surveillance' implements statistical methods for the modeling and monitoring of time series of counts, proportions and categorical data, as well as for the modeling of continuous-time point processes of epidemic phenomena. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Social Sciences : Analysis of Categorical and Count Data [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics : Point Pattern Analysis [Filter]
- Topic : Time Series [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 78.57
Registered: 2007-06-19 14:46 |
2. distr - S4 classes for distributions - Project distr currently hosts pkg's distr, distrEx, distrSim, distrTEst, distrTeach, distrMod, distrDoc, startupmsg, SweaveListingUtils, distrEllipse, distrRnews, setRNG. For reference, see also vignette "distr" in pkg distrDoc. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Natural Language : German [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Education [Filter]
- Topic : Robust Statistics [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 57.14
Registered: 2007-11-06 19:55 |
3. Functional diversity - The "Functional diversity" project is based on the FD package, which can compute different multidimensional FD indices. It also contains other useful tools for functional ecology, e.g. trait-based community assembly via maximum entropy models. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ [Filter]
- Programming Language : Fortran [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Multivariate Statistics : Matrix Manipulations [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics : Ecological Analysis [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2009-06-30 15:23 |
4. speedR - speedR:An R-package for interactive GUI-based data import, filtering and complex ready-to-use code generation to speed up your productivity. speedR recognizes file formats like Excel (.xls and .xlsx), open office calc, .csv and .txt files automatically. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Natural Language : German [Filter]
- Operating System : MacOS [Filter]
- Operating System : Microsoft : Windows [Filter]
- Operating System : POSIX : Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language : Java [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Connectivity [Filter]
- Topic : Graphical User Interface [Filter]
- Topic : Software Development : Code Generators [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2010-10-29 08:48 |
5. lsmeans - Calculate adjusted means and standard errors for main factors and interaction terms of lm, gls, lme and lme4 models. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : Public Domain [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : Microsoft : Windows : Windows NT/2000/XP [Filter]
- Operating System : Microsoft : Windows : Windows Vista [Filter]
- Operating System : POSIX : Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Design of Experiments & Analysis of Experimental Data [Filter]
- Topic : Genetics : Multiple Testing [Filter]
- Topic : Multivariate Statistics : Linear Models [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2009-09-10 11:49 |
6. cMonkey - cMonkey integrated biclustering algorithm for learning co-regulated gene modules.
Please visit for source code, documentation, and R packages. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Bioinformatics [Filter]
- Topic : Cluster Analysis : Other Cluster Algorithms [Filter]
- Topic : Multivariate Statistics : Supervised Classification and Discriminant Analysis [Filter]
Registered: 2010-05-14 17:19 |
7. Orthogonal Spline Basis - Orthogonal Spline Basis provides allows computing and fitting splines and penalized splines using orthogonalized bases. It also provides easy functions for exact computation of integrals and derivatives. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Other/Nonlisted Topic [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2010-01-29 19:10 |
8. signal - A set of generally Matlab/Octave-compatible signal processing functions. Includes filter generation utilities, filtering functions, resampling routines, and visualization of filter models. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2009-12-03 16:50 |
9. StatET for R - Eclipse Tools for the R language (formerly
The project provides Eclipse plug-ins and R packages for an Eclipse based IDE for R. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Environment : Win32 (MS Windows) [Filter]
- Environment : X11 Applications [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : Java [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Graphical User Interface [Filter]
- Topic : Software Development [Filter]
- Topic : Text : Integrated Development Environments \(IDE\) [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2008-04-03 13:55 |
10. raster -- spatial data - The 'raster' package deals with basic spatial raster (grid) data access and manipulation. It defines raster classes; can deal with very large files (stored on disk); and includes standard raster functions such as overlay, aggregation, and merge. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics : Classes for Spatial Data [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics : Ecological Analysis [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics : Reading and Writing Spatial Data [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2008-11-02 05:32 |
11. ReturnAnalytics - Performance and risk analysis of financial time series, including packages PerformanceAnalytics and PortfolioAnalytics |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Econometrics [Filter]
- Topic : Finance [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2009-10-23 21:42 |
12. Testing external pointers in C++ - Testing external pointers with finalization in R using C++. Show how to create C++ objects with external pointers from R which are deleted automatically from R. After installing and loading the package in R, type help(testcpp) to get started. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Other/Nonlisted Topic [Filter]
- Topic : Software Development [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2009-09-21 06:36 |
13. Large objects for R - Package 'ff' supports fast on-disk objects: standard and packed atomics, ffdf data.frames, csv import/export, chunking and indexing. Integrated package 'bit' supports fast in-memory booleans: 'bit' (1-bit boolean), 'bitwhich' (asymetric booleans). |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : High Performance Computing : Large Memory [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2009-07-19 10:21 |
14. Advance Clustering - S4 Object Oriented for Clustering. Right now still provide for Fuzzy Clustering Analysis. Fuzzy Clustering method that provided Fuzzy C-Means, Gustafson Kessel (Babuska Version). Also provided with several validation index, & consensus clustering. |
- Development Status : 4 - Beta [Filter]
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Environment : Win32 (MS Windows) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- Intended Audience : System Administrators [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : Microsoft : Windows [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Cluster Analysis : Partitioning Clustering [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2016-08-12 13:39 |
15. R Commander Plugin for Fuzzy Clustering - Fuzzy Clustering plugin for Rcmdr. Method/algorithm that used : Fuzzy C-Means and Gustafson Kessel Clustering. Beside that two methods, this package provide cluster ensemble for fuzzy clustering and validation index. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- Intended Audience : System Administrators [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : Microsoft : Windows [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Cluster Analysis [Filter]
- Topic : Multivariate Statistics : Unsupervised Classification : Cluster Analysis [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2016-05-02 05:23 |
16. Data Analysis Using Regression - R functions for processing lm, glm, and polr outputs. This is a lite version of arm that does not deal with mer class. |
- Development Status : 1 - Planning [Filter]
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- Intended Audience : System Administrators [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : MacOS [Filter]
- Operating System : Microsoft : Windows [Filter]
- Operating System : POSIX : Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Bayesian Statistics : General Model Fitting [Filter]
- Topic : Bioinformatics : Statistics [Filter]
- Topic : Bioinformatics : Visualization [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2008-07-24 04:32 |
17. XGR - eXploring Genomic Relations (XGR) at the gene and SNP level through enrichment analysis, similarity analysis and network analysis |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : MacOS [Filter]
- Operating System : Microsoft : Windows [Filter]
- Operating System : POSIX : Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Bioinformatics [Filter]
- Topic : Database [Filter]
- Topic : Software Development [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2016-04-01 13:46 |
18. Finite Mixure of AFT and FMR models - FMRS package provides estimation and variable selection in Finite Mixture of Accelerated Failure Time Regression (FMAFTR) and Finite Mixture of Regression (FMR) models with a large number of covariates and/or right censoring and heterogeneous structure. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : MacOS [Filter]
- Operating System : Microsoft : Windows [Filter]
- Operating System : POSIX : Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Machine Learning : Model Selection and Validation [Filter]
- Topic : Regression Models [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2016-03-07 02:31 |
19. Multiv. Outlier Detection and Imputation - Multivariate outlier detection and imputation in incomplete survey data. Included algorithms are BACON-EEM, Transformed Rank Correlations, ER-algorithm, GIMCD, Epidemic Algorithm (detection and imputation), Winsorized Imputation, POEM. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable (Now Filtering)
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Multivariate Statistics : Missing Data [Filter]
- Topic : Robust Statistics [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2013-07-04 09:41 |
136 projects in result set. Displaying 20 per page. Projects sorted by activity ranking.