Software Map
Project Tree
Now limiting view to projects in the following categories:
Topic :: Graphics [Remove This Filter]
License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL) [Remove This Filter]
8 projects in result set.
0. Demonstrations for teaching and learning - This package is a set of demonstration functions
that can be used in a classroom to demonstrate
statistical concepts, or on your own to better
understand the concepts or the programming. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : Artistic License [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : Microsoft : Windows [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Education : GUI [Filter]
- Topic : Graphics (Now Filtering)
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2009-10-21 20:12 |
1. RHealpix - Set of R routines that implement the Healpix hierarchical pixelisation of the sphere. |
- Development Status : 2 - Pre-Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Graphics (Now Filtering)
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2011-05-12 15:07 |
2. CulturalAnalytics - Code for statistical analysis and plotting of image properties for use in the Digital Humanities. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Graphics (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Other/Nonlisted Topic [Filter]
- Topic : Social Sciences [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2011-10-29 20:57 |
3. tabulaR - tabulaR is a comprehensive package for presenting quality tabular output within the R Environment. Differing from xtable and Hmisc, it manipulates, formats and presents tabular data to any R device stream, which can then be used by any structured format. |
- Development Status : 2 - Pre-Alpha [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Graphics (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Text [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2010-08-24 17:22 |
4. Probabilistic Suffix Trees - The PST library allows to fit and visualize Probabilistic Suffix Trees (PST), the construction that stores Variable Length Markov Chains (VLMC). Fitted PSTs can be used to predict, generate or impute categorical sequences. |
- Development Status : 4 - Beta [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Graphics (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Machine Learning [Filter]
- Topic : Social Sciences : Analysis of Categorical and Count Data [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2012-01-04 10:50 |
5. memisc |
- Development Status : 4 - Beta [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Graphics (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Social Sciences [Filter]
- Topic : Software Development [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2013-02-08 10:55 |
6. logisticDx - Diagnostic tests for logistic regression. Includes 15x common diagnostic tests including leverage, dChi-square and dBhat per covariate pattern. Also plots for same. |
- Development Status : 4 - Beta [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) (Now Filtering)
- License : Public Domain [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Graphics (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Regression Models [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2012-09-10 02:59 |
7. topmodels: Extended Model Infrastructure - topmodels: Infrastructure for Forecasting and Assessment of Probabilistic Models |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Graphics (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Regression Models [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2018-02-01 16:08 |