Software Map
Project Tree
Now limiting view to projects in the following categories:
Natural Language :: Spanish [Remove This Filter]
3 projects in result set.
0. NeuroSpatCo - The package is used to search for patterns of organization in human prefrontal cortex of both horizontal (cell body) and vertical plane (minicolumns). |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable [Filter]
- Environment : Other Environment [Filter]
- Environment : Win32 (MS Windows) [Filter]
- Environment : X11 Applications [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Other Audience [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- License : Public Domain [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Natural Language : Spanish (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : MacOS [Filter]
- Operating System : Microsoft : Windows [Filter]
- Operating System : POSIX : Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Programming Language : Tcl [Filter]
- Topic : Cluster Analysis : Other Cluster Algorithms [Filter]
- Topic : Design of Experiments & Analysis of Experimental Data [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics : Point Pattern Analysis [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2011-05-10 20:54 |
1. RcmdrPlugin.UCA - Rcmdr adds for novices - This project has been moved to
An 'Rcmdr' plugin that customize 'Rcmdr' (test for randomness, confidence interval and test for sigma for one normal sample, predictions using active model and psychometry section) to teach statistics in a first university course on statistics.
- Development Status : 6 - Mature [Filter]
- Environment : X11 Applications [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Natural Language : Spanish (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Education : GUI [Filter]
- Topic : Graphical User Interface [Filter]
- Topic : Social Sciences [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2016-01-08 18:26 |
2. orloca - Planar point location problem - ORLOCA (Operations Research LOCational Analysis) deals with facility location problems.
The most known is the min-sum or Fermat-Weber location problem, which seeks for a point such that the weighted sum of the distances to the demand set are minimized. |
- Development Status : 6 - Mature [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Environment : X11 Applications [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop [Filter]
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English [Filter]
- Natural Language : Spanish (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Optimization : Mathematical Programming [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2017-01-27 16:31 |