Software Map
Project Tree
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Programming Language :: C/C++ [Remove This Filter]
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Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop [Remove This Filter]
182 projects in result set. Displaying 20 per page. Projects sorted by activity ranking.
0. BayesR: Bayesian Regression - Developement of R Functions to Estimate Complex Bayesian Regression Models. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Bayesian Statistics : General Model Fitting [Filter]
- Topic : Regression Models [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 71.43
Registered: 2010-08-20 11:45 |
1. partykit: Recursive Partytioning Toolkit - Infrastructure for representing, summarizing, and visualizing tree-structured models. It can be used for constructing or reading tree models from different sources (rpart, RWeka, PMML), sharing
functionality for print/plot/predict methods. |
- Development Status : 4 - Beta [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Machine Learning : Recursive Partitioning [Filter]
- Topic : Regression Models [Filter]
- Topic : Software Development [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 42.86
Registered: 2008-09-30 11:39 |
2. colorspace: Computing with Colorspaces - Functions for computing coordinate conversions between colorspaces. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Graphics : Colors [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2007-02-15 19:23 |
3. Local Depth - The package "localdepth" contains functions for the evaluation of some Depth functions and their corresponding local versions, namely Local Depths. Simplicial, Ellipsoid and Mahalanobis Depths are implemented for general dimension. |
- Development Status : 2 - Pre-Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : Fortran [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Cluster Analysis : Hierarchical Clustering [Filter]
- Topic : Multivariate Statistics [Filter]
- Topic : Robust Statistics [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2008-09-16 15:34 |
4. Local Classification Methods - Collection of local classification methods and tools for analysis of the misclassification rate in terms of bias and variance |
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Machine Learning [Filter]
- Topic : Multivariate Statistics : Supervised Classification and Discriminant Analysis [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2011-08-10 16:01 |
5. cusp - Package for applying Cobb's maximum likelihood method to fitting cusp catastrophe models to data. The package was published in the Journal of Statistical Software [see]. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable [Filter]
- Development Status : 6 - Mature [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Econometrics : Structural Change [Filter]
- Topic : Multivariate Statistics : Modelling Non-Gaussian Data [Filter]
- Topic : Regression Models [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2014-10-29 16:43 |
6. Finite Mixure of AFT and FMR models - FMRS package provides estimation and variable selection in Finite Mixture of Accelerated Failure Time Regression (FMAFTR) and Finite Mixture of Regression (FMR) models with a large number of covariates and/or right censoring and heterogeneous structure. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : MacOS [Filter]
- Operating System : Microsoft : Windows [Filter]
- Operating System : POSIX : Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Machine Learning : Model Selection and Validation [Filter]
- Topic : Regression Models [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2016-03-07 02:31 |
7. Movement Analysis - Analysis of trajectory data. Compute home ranges, speed distributions and detect movement patterns based on the Brownian bridge movement model. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics : Ecological Analysis [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2015-04-09 16:55 |
8. Spatiotemporal Data S4 class/meths - Spatiotemporal data S4 objects, methods, support for data with spatial and temporal components |
- Development Status : 1 - Planning [Filter]
- Development Status : 2 - Pre-Alpha [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics : Classes for Spatial Data [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2009-09-26 15:38 |
9. rwrf - A collection of R post processing utilities for WRF (Weather Research & Forecasting Model). |
- Development Status : 1 - Planning [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : Fortran [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics : Classes for Spatial Data [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics : Reading and Writing Spatial Data [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2009-11-17 11:37 |
10. Polyphase - This method accepts the genotype data, the relative physical position of the markers for species of any ploidy and returns the phased output. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : POSIX : Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Topic : Bioinformatics : Statistics [Filter]
- Topic : Genetics : Linkage, LD and Haplotype Mapping [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2016-02-18 15:57 |
11. Rcplex - Interface to the CPLEX optimization engine. Supports Linux and Windows. |
- Development Status : 4 - Beta [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : Microsoft : Windows [Filter]
- Operating System : POSIX : Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Optimization : Mathematical Programming : Integer Programming [Filter]
- Topic : Optimization : Mathematical Programming : Linear Programming [Filter]
- Topic : Optimization : Mathematical Programming : Quadratic Programming [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2008-08-04 05:27 |
12. Entropy-based LISA - Provides the functions to quantify local spatial association using a novel entropy-based method, named Entropy-based Local Indicator of Spatial Association (ELSA). |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Environment : Web Environment [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics : Geostatistics [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2013-09-23 01:30 |
13. DEoptim - R implementation of Differential Evolution and related algorithms such as JADE adaptive DE. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable [Filter]
- Development Status : 6 - Mature [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Machine Learning : Genetic Algorithms [Filter]
- Topic : Optimization : Mathematical Programming : Global Optimization [Filter]
Registered: 2010-05-10 00:12 |
14. TIMP - TIMP is an R package for fitting superposition models that implements the partitioned variable projection algorithm. The package has been extensively applied to modeling spectroscopy and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) datasets. |
- Development Status : 3 - Alpha [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Computational Physics [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2007-04-30 21:06 |
15. Range Correlations - Methods from spatial statistics are adapted and implemented to be used for assessing marginal and partial correlations in range and site data (positional data) along genomes based on the Bioconductor package GenomicRanges. |
- Development Status : 1 - Planning [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Bioinformatics : Statistics [Filter]
- Topic : Multivariate Statistics [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2011-03-07 18:54 |
16. Lattice - R implementation of Trellis Graphics. |
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable [Filter]
- Environment : Console (Text Based) [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Graphics : Plotting [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2009-12-21 05:40 |
17. The adegenet package - The package adegenet is devoted to the multivariate analysis of genetic markers data. |
- Development Status : 4 - Beta [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : French [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Genetics : Population Genetics [Filter]
- Topic : Multivariate Statistics [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2008-01-06 17:38 |
18. Gradient forest - Detecting biological composition patterns along environmental gradients from site-by-species ecological data. Package gradientForest calculates the gradients from split-point importances provided by auxiliary package extendedForest, based on randomForest. |
- Development Status : 4 - Beta [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : OS Independent [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : Fortran [Filter]
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Spatial Data & Statistics : Ecological Analysis [Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2011-01-06 08:05 |
19. arules - Mining Association Rules - Infrastructure for representing, manipulating and analyzing transaction data and patterns (frequent itemsets and association rules).
arules is now maintained on Github:
- Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable [Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers [Filter]
- Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop (Now Filtering)
- License : OSI Approved : GNU General Public License (GPL) [Filter]
- Natural Language : English (Now Filtering)
- Operating System : MacOS [Filter]
- Operating System : Microsoft : Windows [Filter]
- Operating System : POSIX : Linux [Filter]
- Programming Language : C/C\+\+ (Now Filtering)
- Programming Language : R [Filter]
- Topic : Machine Learning [Filter]
Registered: 2007-05-21 13:55 |
182 projects in result set. Displaying 20 per page. Projects sorted by activity ranking.