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10 projects in result set.
0. general multiple-table data management - Our objective is to develop classes of objects that (1) make handling multiple-table data sets easier and (2) seamlessly integrate with existing R plotting and model-fitting functions; our philosophy is to keep data management and data analysis separate. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2011-07-27 02:07 |
1. coin: Conditional Inference Procedures - Conditional inference procedures for the general independence
problem including two-sample, K-sample (non-parametric ANOVA), correlation,
censored, ordered and multivariate problems. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2012-01-26 14:41 |
2. mixOmics - mixOmics is an R package that supplies different methodologies to unravel relationships between two heterogeneous data sets of size n × p and n × q where the p and q variables are measured on the same samples or individuals n. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2010-06-25 04:17 |
3. Clustericat - This package performs clustering for categorical data-set by the conditional correlated mixture model. It contains a function clusteringcat() performing the clustering on categorical data-set and returns object of appropriate class. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2013-12-05 14:22 |
4. The forensim package - The forensim package for the R environment provides statistical tools dedicated to the interpretation of forensic DNA mixtures | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2009-04-17 15:10 |
5. Modelling Peaks Over Threshold - The project consists in developing functions for peaks over threshold modeling. Most of results come from the extreme value theory (EVT). The EVT is currently extensively used, mostly in environmental sciences and finance. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2007-09-21 14:29 |
6. Yasomi: Self-Organising Map in R - Yasomi is Yet Another Self-Organising Map Implementation. It provides an implementation of Kohonen's SOM, with extension to kernel variants and comprehensive visualisation capabilities. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2011-02-25 12:40 |
7. SpatialExtremes - The SpatialExtremes package aims to develop tools for the modeling of spatial extremes. The knowledge of the univariate/multivariate distribution of extremes is not enough. This package will try to fill this gap. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2008-10-04 11:03 |
8. SeqinR: Biological Sequences in R - The seqinR package for the R environment contains utilities to retrieve and analyse biological sequences. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2008-07-28 09:03 |
9. The adegenet package - The package adegenet is devoted to the multivariate analysis of genetic markers data. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2008-01-06 17:38 |