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License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL) [Remove This Filter]
Environment > X11 Applications |
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8 projects in result set.
0. prepRISA - This package can be used to prepare ARISA data files for multivariate analysis. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2009-11-20 09:49 |
1. vcd: Visualizing Categorical Data - The vcd project aims at further developing visualization methods suitable for categorical data using R. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2009-02-06 16:02 |
2. Multivariate Projection Methods - mpm is an R package by Paul Lewi and Luc Wouters for exploratory multivariate analysis of large data matrices, such as gene expression data from microarray experiments. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2008-01-29 14:46 |
3. Graphical Multiple Comparison Procedure - This package provides functions and a graphical user interface for graphical described multiple test procedures (sequentially rejective, Simes and parametric). | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2010-02-17 13:06 |
4. Estimation and Model Checking for GLSM - This package mainly deals with generalized linear spatial models for estimation, model checking and prediction by using MCMC algorithms. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2011-08-17 10:52 |
5. ddepn - DDEPN (Dynamic Deterministic Effects Propagation Networks): Infer signalling networks for high-throughput genomic or proteomic timecourse data, generated after external perturbation like activation or inhibition of network nodes. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2011-06-10 12:24 |
6. genoPlotR - plot gene and genome maps - genoPlotR is a R package to produce reproducible, publication-grade graphics of gene and genome maps. It allows the user to read from usual format such as protein table files and blast results, as well as home-made tabular files. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2010-01-08 16:59 |
7. mzmatch.R - This package provides integration between the mzMatch/PeakML Java library (and its file formats) and the XCMS library for R. mzMatch is a modular, open source and platform independent data processing pipeline for metabolomics LC/MS data. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2010-10-20 17:09 |