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RE: exam2blackboard [ Reply ]
By: Aya A on 2021-05-19 01:47
Thank you so much for the help.

RE: exam2blackboard [ Reply ]
By: Achim Zeileis on 2021-05-19 01:40
I guess that you are viewing the exercise with a Chrome browser, is that correct? Chrome/Chromium are not able to render the MathML content that is used for the mathematical equations by default. If you use Firefox instead, the exercise should be displayed correctly. Alternatively, you can use MathJax instead of MathML to display the mathematical equations. This works in any modern browser.

The same can also be replicated outside of Blackboard. With your .Rnw exercise you can do:

exams2html("inverse.Rnw", converter = "pandoc-mathjax")

and then look at the resulting .html file using Chrome vs. Firefox.

If you have installed the current development version of R/exams here from R-Forge, then you can also do

exams2blackboard("inverse.Rnw", converter = "pandoc-mathjax")

which should then also work in Chrome. In addition to the right converter, this also embeds a link to the JavaScript plugin MathJax that can render the LaTeX equations.

For more details see:

RE: exam2blackboard [ Reply ]
By: Aya A on 2021-05-18 21:12

8491113a-9469-453e-8076-26ab5d6f9b1b.jpg (2) downloads
Here is a question that appears as attached.

L'inverse de la matrice $$\left[ \begin{array}{cc}
5 & 3\\
10 & 6
\end{array}\right]$$ est:
\item $$\left[ \begin{array}{cc}
6 & 10\\
3 & 5
\item $$\left[ \begin{array}{cc}
5 & -3\\
-10 & 6
\item $$\left[\begin{array}{cc}
5 & 10\\
3 &6
\end{array} \right]$$
\item Cette matrice n'a pas d'inverse

Pour obtenir l'inverse d'une matrice, on doit premi\`{e}rement trouver la valeur du d\'{e}terminant si le d\'{e}terminant est \'{e}gale \`{a} zero donc on ne peut pas trouver l'inverse et la matrice est dit qu'elle n'a pas d'inverse.
\item False.
\item False.
\item False.
\item True.

RE: exam2blackboard [ Reply ]
By: Achim Zeileis on 2021-05-18 02:28
Could you provide a short self-contained example exercise file that replicates the problem? Then it is easier to have a look at what is happening.

exam2blackboard [ Reply ]
By: Aya A on 2021-05-17 20:33
I’d like to thank you first for the great effort you all exerted to make this package so handy. I am having a minor problem when I write a matrix and import the test into blackboard the matrix is badly shown to the students and when I try to edit it, the problem occurs due to the fact that the conversion into xml causes the matrix to be inserted in a table form. Is there any way to avoid this problem?
Thanks in advance.

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