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RE: Create an exam from files located in different folders [ Reply ]
By: Faisal Almalki on 2020-06-25 07:56
Thanks Achim.

The two dots trick worked perfectly.

RE: Create an exam from files located in different folders [ Reply ]
By: Achim Zeileis on 2020-06-24 10:00
You need "../Exams" (with two rather than three dots). And if that doesn't work, then try the absolute rather than relative path.

RE: Create an exam from files located in different folders [ Reply ]
By: Faisal Almalki on 2020-06-24 09:03

Thanks Achim,

It seems I am missing something. I followed your suggestion and used


Test3 <- list(c("q1_1.Rmd",

exams2blackboard(Test3_403,n=10,name="Test3", schoice = list(enumerate = FALSE), eval = list(partial = FALSE, negative = FALSE), edir = ".../Exams")

where "Exams" is the name of the common root folder which contains subfolders where the above questions are saved. However, I got the following error

Error in file_path_as_absolute(edir) :
file '.../Exams' does not exist

I am wondering also if it possible to force exams2blackboard to save the zip file to another folder I specify.
Thanks in advance for your help.

RE: Create an exam from files located in different folders [ Reply ]
By: Achim Zeileis on 2020-06-19 12:29
It is possible if folders "One" and "Two" are in a common root folder, e.g.,


then you could set exams2blackboard(..., edir = ".../Exams/"). Subfolders are then searched automatically.

Create an exam from files located in different folders [ Reply ]
By: Faisal Almalki on 2020-06-19 12:21
Hi all...

I am wondering if it is possible to create an exam from questions files located in different folders so that I can export it into Blackboard. For example, I want to take

q1_1.rmd, q1_5.rmd, q1_10.rmd from folder One


q2_2.rmd, q2_5.rmd, q2_8.rmd from folder Two

to create an exam based on those questions.

I do it currently by copying all the required files into a separate folder and then create an exam using exams2blackboard. But, I feel this is inefficient way to do that.

Thanks for your continued help and support for Rexams community.


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