Forum: Release of beta version of RQDA

Date: 2008-11-04 01:08
Summary: Release of beta version of RQDA
Project: RQDA: CAQDA with R


RDQA is a package for Qualitative Data Analysis.It includes a number of standard Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis features.

By the GUI, it can:
# Import documents from plain text
# Support non-English documents, Simplified Chinese Character is well-tested under Windows
# Character-level coding using codes
# Memos of documents and codes
# Retrieval of coding
# Single-file (*.rqda) format, which is basically SQLite database
# Temporary deletion of files and codes

By R functions, it can:
# Show the temporary deletion files and codes
# Undo the temporary deletion
# Permanently erase the temporary deletion

There are lots of works ahead, but the current version is workable for basic QDA.

Latest News

RQDA 0.2-1 is released

HUANG RONGGUI - 2011-09-11 01:43 -

RQDA 0.1-9 is on CRAN now

HUANG RONGGUI - 2010-03-02 17:55 -

RQDA 0.1-7 is sumbitted to CRAN

HUANG RONGGUI - 2009-05-15 10:51 -

RQDA-0.1-6 is on CRAN

HUANG RONGGUI - 2009-01-02 09:43 -

RQDA-0.1.6 RC3

HUANG RONGGUI - 2008-12-18 21:36 -


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