Forum: rcicr on CRAN now

Posted by: Ron Dotsch
Date: 2016-07-13 13:02
Summary: rcicr on CRAN now
Project: Reverse correlation image classification


A new version of rcicr is available on CRAN now. It fixes some minor bugs and more importantly: it adds several features, like a new noise type (Gabor), a setting to change the number of spatial scales of the noise, and a new default scaling method, called independent scaling.

Here's the full list of changes since version 0.3.0:

* Added independent scaling. Works like matched scaling but maintains the zero point. Is the new recommended default for generating a single base image.
* Added Gabor noise option. Generate stimuli with generateStimuli2IFC(..., noise_type='gabor'). Almost all functions have been affected in refactoring.
* Added option to specify number of spatial scales
* Added computeCumulativeCICorrelation. Computes cumulative trial CIs correlations with final/target CI. Use for instance for plotting
* Added label parameter to batchGenerateCI, which adds custom identifiable labels to jpegs
* Added targetpath parameter to CI generation functions, so CIs will not by default be placed in working directory, but in ./cis subdirectory
* Added batchGenerateCI to deal with data from any reverse correlation task that does not use inverse noise. This function can be used for a 1IFC, 2IFC with independently generated stimuli, 3IFC, etc.

* Changed output of autoscale: scaling factor is no longer part of the list of classification images that is returned
* Changed progressbar to dplyr progress bar, no longer dependent on tcltk (so no more dependency on xquartz on OS X). Also adds time estimation.
* Suppressed warning messages if directory for stimulus or ci output already exists.

* Bugfix: images not saved as jpegs when scaling is set to anything other than autoscale in batchGenerateCI and batchGenerateCI2IFC
* Bugfix: When using pre 0.3.0 Rdata file, the parameter matrix will now be truncated to the appropriate numbers of parameters
* Bugfix: NA's in by parameter of batchGenerateCI2IFC() get ignored instead of making R crash. Thank you Elze Ufkes for reporting this bug!
* Bugfix: target path error message for generateCI2IFC()
* Fixed targetci bug (should be empty list by default instead of boolean) in computeCumulativeCICorrelation
curves of trial-final/target CI correlations to estimate how many trials are necessary in your task
* Bugfix in generateCINoise: added possibility of just one stimulus/response

* Renamed generateCI2IFC to generateCI and moved it to rcicr.R as it is a general function, and not just for 2IFC reverse correlation tasks
* Created generateCI2IFC wrapper function (wraps generateCI) for backwards compatibility
* Renamed old generateCI to generateCINoise to differentiate between generateCI and generateCINoise


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Ron Dotsch - 2014-08-03 12:01 -


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