Forum: Version 1.0-4 available on R-Forge

Posted by: Carlos Sierra
Date: 2012-12-05 09:05
Summary: Version 1.0-4 available on R-Forge
Project: SoilR

This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map


Dear SoilR users
We just released a new version of SoilR on R-Forge. In SoilR 1.0-4, we fixed some bugs, added new functionality, and renamed some functions. To install this new version, just open R and type in the R console install.packages("SoilR", repos="")

Here's a summary of the changes:
Now you can use the operators [ ] and $ to perform operations on objects of the class 'Model'. For example, to obtain the amount of carbon in all pools after initializing an object X of class model, you can use the function getC(X), or you can use the operators X["C"] or X$C. Furthermore, you can use the square brackets to create a new object with different variables of interest. For example, to create an object Y with the times of the simulation, the amount of carbon in each pool, and the amount of C release, you can simply type: Y=X[c("times","C","ReleaseFlux")].
Calculations in 14C models are now performed on the absolute fraction modern F': the absolute ratio of sample to standard, corrected for radioactive decay in the year of measurement. We found this is the most convenient way to perform our calculations. To help dealing with different forms of reporting radiocarbon data, we introduced new functions to convert from Delta14C to F' and from F' to Delta14C.
We changed the naming scheme of the functions that calculate the fraction of radiocarbon in bulk soil and in respiration. We are preparing a new publication presenting the new radiocarbon functions and had to change the names of previous functions for consistency. If you already use SoilR for modeling radiocarbon and want to install this new version, please contact us and we will explain you the changes. Otherwise, please wait until the new manuscript is released.

In the next months we will be preparing a new version, 1.1-0 with all functionality required for modeling radiocarbon in soil organic matter. This includes, functions to obtain age distributions, mean age, transit time distributions, and mean transit times. We will include a novel algorithm to calculate these distributions for each time step of the simulation without requiring the assumption of steady-state.

If you have questions or comments please let us know. Thanks for your interest in SoilR.

Latest News

Version 1.0-4 available on R-Forge

Carlos Sierra - 2012-12-05 09:05 -

SoilR description paper published in Geosci. Model Dev.

Carlos Sierra - 2012-10-03 06:50 -


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