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RE: Multiple time series [ Reply ]
By: Constantino Antonio on 2016-12-31 11:12

The 'AnalyzeHRbyEpisodes' function automatically joins the episodes with the same Tag before computing the statistics, which I think is what you would like to do.

Kind regards

RE: Multiple time series [ Reply ]
By: Sameer Ashaie on 2016-12-20 04:55
Would it be valid to create 10s long episodes and tag them with the same name and compute statistics on them as a one long sample? So for e.g., take 30 10s long episodes at different time points and merge them and then compute time and frequency measures?

If so, are there any references for merging episodes together.

RE: Multiple time series [ Reply ]
By: Sameer Ashaie on 2016-12-14 01:10
Thank you! That is what I was looking for that small episodes with same episodes are computed together.

RE: Multiple time series [ Reply ]
By: Constantino Antonio on 2016-12-13 16:34

I am not sure if I understood you correctly, but you may find this thread useful for creating lots of small episodes:

On the other hand, you are right about ten seconds being not enough for RHRV analysis. However, the AnalyzeHRbyEpisodes function automatically "pastes" together the episodes with the same Tag before computing the statistics.

Hope it helps.
Kind regards

RE: Multiple time series [ Reply ]
By: Sameer Ashaie on 2016-12-11 02:50
Thanks Samar!
I can't seem to open the file.

RE: Multiple time series [ Reply ]
By: samar singh on 2016-12-11 01:46

Book1.xls (15) downloads
Sameer, I do not know if I have understood your problem clearly. However, it would seem that a spreadsheet would be the easiest way to make different datasets for the various needs.

For instance if you have the RRI intervals in one columm and the sum of the intervals for the previous rows in each column plus the Start time you can then have the Actual Observation Time of each observation. From that you can create your datasets.

The attached .xls file uses a set of RRI intervals to do that.
Lastly, I am not sure that 10 secs of data will not be open to many other effects which could dilute the cognitive load effect. Would like to know how it works out. It has interesting implications for education.

Multiple time series [ Reply ]
By: Sameer Ashaie on 2016-12-10 19:39

I don't have much experience with HRV analysis but am supposed to validate the HRV measures of our tasks. I would like to see whether effort changes for different cognitive tasks

Basically, the total duration of our multiple cognitive tasks is around 15 minutes, with 4 minutes of rest in the beginning. I need to break up the rest of the 15 minutes into multiple chunks some only 10 seconds, and some 5 minutes. How do I go about doing this (episode function?)? I would then compare the various measures (e.g., rMSDD) with these different chunks.

Secondly some of 10 second tasks are spread around the 15 minutes. Is there a way that I can stitch these multiple 10 seconds together to make a longer time series so that I can compare it with a longer chunk. I am worried that 10 seconds is not enough for some of the HRV measures.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

Thank you,

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