Forum: vegan 2.0-1 on CRAN

Posted by: Jari Oksanen
Date: 2011-10-20 12:28
Summary: vegan 2.0-1 on CRAN
Project: vegan - Community Ecology Package


Version 2.0-1 of vegan was published today on CRAN.

The immediate reason for the release was that R 2.14.0 will be released soon, and vegan will give a lot of annoying warnings in R 2.14.0. The sd() function will no longer accept matrix input in R 2.14.0 and vegan was adapted to this change. There are also some minor bug fixes in meandist(), metaMDS(), permatswap() and permutest() for cca() objects.

The 2.0-1 release will contain two new functions: clamtest() implements a test to classify species to habitat specialists and generalists (CLAM of Chazdon et al., Ecology 92, 1332-1343; 2011), and raupcrick() implements a version of Raup-Crick dissimilarity where species co-occurrence probabilities are based on species frequencies (Chase et al. (2011) _Ecosphere_ 2:art24).

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