Forum: vegan 1.17-9 released

Posted by: Jari Oksanen
Date: 2011-04-01 05:30
Summary: vegan 1.17-9 released
Project: vegan - Community Ecology Package


Version 1.17-9 of vegan was released to CRAN on March 31, 2011. The proximate reason for this release was a fix to anova.cca(..., by = "axis") which failed in partial models. In addition, there are some new features:
- ordisurf() gained several arguments to control gam fitting of surfaces.
- new function drarefy() that gives the probabilities that species occur in a rarefied samples of given size. Related functions rrarefy, diversity and specnumber are a bit more permissive for the input they accept.
- metaMDS is more flexible for the '' configuration it accepts. Function metaMDSrotate() can now rotate also >2dim solutions so that the first axis is parallel to a fitted environmental vector.
- prestonfit() defaults now to 'tiesplit = TRUE' (the argument was introduced in vegan 1.17-8 with default FALSE).

This was a minor release. The next release is expected to be a major upgrade that includes Peter Minchin's fast NMDS code with options for global, local, linear and hybrid NMDS, adequate and configurable tie treatment, handling of missing data, and an option of adding new points to existing NMDS ordination.

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